Monterey County Housing, Inc. (MCHI) Monterey County Housing, Inc. (MCHI)
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Monterey County Housing, Inc. (MCHI) is a duly formed Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation in California. MCHI, formerly known as Monterey County Association for Elderly Housing, Inc., was formed as a non-profit 501(C)3 association on September 5, 1989. Bylaws were adopted on September 5. 1989. The first meeting was held October 30, 1989. The non-profit was certified by the State of California as a Community Housing Development Organization in 1997.
The name change from Monterey County Association for Elderly Housing, Inc. to Monterey County Housing, Inc. occurred on November 10, 1997. A Certificate of Amendment of Articles of Incorporation was filed with the State of California on November 17, 1997.
MCHI was certified as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) by the State of California, Department of Housing and community Development in 1997. In 2001 MCHI was recertified as a CHDO by the State, under the specification that MCHI begin to develop its own staff and expertise in housing development As a result, in 2002 MCHI engaged a management consultant as its full time Executive Director. MCHI found, and continues to find, it to be fiscally efficient to contract with the Housing Authority of Monterey County (HACM), for administrative and technical services, as the HACM team has extensive experience with financial reporting requirements and property management and is therefore able to provide support, advice and expertise to MCHI.
MCHI is governed by a seven (7) member Board of Directors and administered by a half time Executive Director. The Board maintains a CHDO mandated composition, pursuant to the guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the operation of the HOME Program, with two (2) Board members assigned and representing HACM, and the remainder either low income or representing the low income community.
There are currently two (2) Board vacancies which MCHI is desirous of filling.
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MCHI had enjoyed great success, skillfully operating, owning and developing innovative projects in Monterey County. Its efforts have been recognized and applauded by the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials and the National Association of Local Housing Finance Agencies. MCHI's programs and projects have been developed in conjunction with MCHI's sponsoring agency, HACM.